Financial partners
The coordinator
The National Park of Guadeloupe
Created in 1989, the National Park of Guadeloupe is a public administrative establishment under the authority of the Ministry of the Environment. Its territory was extended to the marine environment and the surrounding communities in 2009. It ensures the protection of an exceptional natural heritage, the reception of the public and environmental outreach activities. Through a territorial charter and in consultation with the communities and local stakeholders, it also has the objective of promoting the uses and methods of sustainable development.
The National Park of Guadeloupe pilots the project and partially finances it, but many stakeholders will also contribute to its implementation over the course of the next few years.
The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea
The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea has financially supported the project for the reintroduction of the manatee for several years. It also participates in the international relations connected with the donation of animals.
The Guadeloupe Regional Council (CRG)
Within the framework of the Guadeloupe 2020 Strategic Action Plan for European funds, the Region of Guadeloupe has proposed to co-finance the LIFE SIRENIA project for five years.
SITA Espérance, the subsidiary of SITA France in Guadeloupe.
SITA is the overall waste management subsidiary within the Suez Environment Group. Every year since 2010, SITA ESPERANCE has granted its financial support to the National Park for the implementation of the manatee reintroduction project.
Other financial partners